About Project
IMDF carryout different Projects preferably Research Projects with collaberation with different agencies national and International. For any collaborators, we request to put their input as a suggestions.
The Project is initiated by SEARCH Students Club. IMDF is looking forward for apps of IMDF for the leaders of Ayurveda.
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Project for Scholars: This Project is designed to support research and development on Ayurveda with the basic scientific exploration of Ayurveda system with interdisciplinary approaches.
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We provide our members as a team member for carrying out the Project with the RESPHEC.
This Project was initiated by FSU Ayurveda Campus. Later, it was carried upon by IMDF-Nepal. The Organization cordially cooperates with the researches of Nepal regarding to Raag Therapy.
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This Project is named as Cannabis study in Nepal Project. This Project has its CSN Team Members. The Team CSN is a group of Researchers, Academician, Advocates, Public, and even representative of Different research institutes concerning to Cannabis and its researches. We advocate for health-based reforms such as marijuana legalization for researches, irrational rules and regulation amendment, drug decriminalization, Industrialization and Pharmaceutical Development. We focused to be the Policy Advocate Research team for the Cannabis related subjects in Nepal.