Integrative Medicine Development Foundation, Nepal (IMDF-Nepal)

Integrative Medicine Development Foundation, Nepal non-profit making NGO, with a team of professional doctors, public health experts and other paramedical specialists, was established in 2012 . Major areas of its involvement are research and publication, health education and awareness, information and communication, social welfare, training and capacity building. We envision for well being and prosperity through multidisciplinary approach.

Organisation Theme “Integrative Approach to Health and Well-being”



This organization is a non-governmental, organized, autonomous & non-political organization of Nepal.  This is a non-profit and social organization registered as per the NGO Registration Act 2034 and Social Welfare Council since 2012-09-25 A.D. pursuant to section 13 of the Social Welfare Act, 1992.  No income will be earned through the organization for any purpose other than the purpose of providing income and providing a consultation without any charge or charge.


देशमा प्रचलित विभिन्न चिकित्सा पद्दतिहरु रहदै आएपनि तिनि  पद्दतिहरुको एकिकृत विकास नभएको अवस्थामा उक्त चिकित्साका (आयुर्वेद, एलोप्याथि, होमीयोप्याथी, अकुपंचर, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा, परम्परागत चिकित्सा आदि)  प्रचलित सिद्दान्तहरुमा अनुसन्धान एवं प्रभावकारिता हेरी सरकारको चिकित्सा नितिमा समयानुकुल र प्रभावकारी सल्लाह सुझाव दिने एवं त्यसको कार्यान्वयनमा पहल गर्ने तथा स्वास्थ्य व्यक्तिको स्वास्थयको रक्षा गर्नु र रोगीको रोग निवारण गर्नु यस ए.चि.वि.सं., नेपालको प्रमुख उद्देश्य हुनेछ ।


The unification, harmony and development of available  Health System of Nepal (Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Naturopathy, Traditional Medicine etc. ),  by multidisciplinary approach of Researches; providing effective and timely advice in the Medical policy of the government, and to take initiative in its implementation applying prevention and promotion of the health of the public, Integrative Medicine Development Foundation Nepal is established. 


Promote Health Research and Development Program. 

With the approval or coordination of the Nepal Health Research Council and other Research Organisation, conducting research and research programs in the field of Health with a single endeavour approach or joint coordination model. 

Equity Development of Every Sector.

Study and Development of each of medical system of Nepal; uplift and train with the essential and necessary programs at the local grassroots level; ensuring equity.

Conduction of Health Awareness Program: 

To provide Scientific health education to overcome the non-evidential perception prevailing in society by conducting public awareness programs. 

Upliftment of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expression: 

To study and provide Basic Health Training to Traditional Practitioners such as Dhami, Jhankri and TCE etc. (who are the basic health workers of rural areas).

Social Health Services 

To Conduct Health Service-oriented Programs (health education programs, free health camps, blood donation, etc.) in health inaccessible areas. 

Research and development in Natural Products. 

To Support the economic sector of the country by encouraging the drug research development and cultivation of herbs and minerals used in the medical field of Nepal.

 Disaster Management Support

Prevention and control of disease and provide health care during epidemic.

Research and Networking

To make a research network  among different hospitals and institute  in regard to Disease and to recommend outcome of the analysis  to the concerned bodies of Government.


To publish articles, research papers, Health bulletin  and information to increase the contribution role of each and every health sectors of Nepal. 

Networking International Health Agency

To develop networking among WHO, UN for International Health Programs. 

AIDS and Reproductive Health Prevention: 

To act against AIDS and prevention of Reproductive Health related Diseases.